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real.exe not producing wrfinput_d02


New member
Hi! II have successfully ran real.exe with rsl files giving me SUCCESS COMPLETE REAL_EM INIT. However, it is only producing wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01, even though I have 2 domains. I am running WRF-4.1.2. Any help would be appreciated.

tail rsl.error.0007

ls -ls wrf.ed01 2023-08-17_06:00:00 Turning off use of MAX WIND level data in vertical interpolation
d01 2023-08-17_06:00:00 Turning off use of TROPOPAUSE level data in vertical interpolation
Using sfcprs2 to compute psfc
d01 2023-08-17_06:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
Assume Noah LSM input
d01 2023-08-17_06:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at 1 points, out of 6765
d01 2023-08-17_06:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s.
d01 2023-08-17_06:00:00 Timing for output 1 s.
d01 2023-08-17_06:00:00 Timing for loop # 17 = 2 s.
d01 2023-08-17_06:00:00 real_em: SUCCESS COMPLETE REAL_EM INIT


  • namelist.input
    4 KB · Views: 2
  • namelist.wps
    1.2 KB · Views: 1
  • rsl.error.0000
    19 KB · Views: 1
my guess is that since wrf.exe is only creating input d01 is that the namelist start and end times are different, so because of this you'll only get wrf input d01 until d02 starts in the namelist, you can try to have the start and end times the same and see if that produces both files you are expecting
In your namelist.input, you set:

start_year = 2023,2023,
start_month = 08,08,
start_day = 12,13,
start_hour = 12, 06,

Can you set the time same for the two domains, then try again?