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Run-Time IO

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

Using WRF-SFIRE in WRF V3.4, I am trying to get only few variables of interest as my output. Reading through the instructions in user guide and tutorial, I have added the following lines to the &time_control record:

iofields_filename = “myouts.txt”,"myouts.txt",“myoutsFire.txt”,
ignore_iofields_warning = .true.,
auxhist19_outname = “wrfselect_d<domain>_<date>”
auxhist19_interval = 360,360,15,
frames_per_aushist19 = 1,1,1,
io_form_auxhist19 = 2,

I may miss something here because it does not work and gives me the following error when running the real.exe:

taskid: 0 hostname: atm
Namelist noah_mp not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for variables in noah_mp
------ ERROR while reading namelist time_control ------
Namelist dfi_control not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for variables in dfi_control
Namelist tc not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for variables in tc
Namelist scm not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for variables in scm
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
ERRORS while reading one or more namelists from namelist.input.
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0

I have attached the text files, just in case.

Any thoughts and comments are appreciated,


  • myouts.txt
    26 bytes · Views: 45
  • myoutsFire.txt
    117 bytes · Views: 51
WRF-SFIRE is not an application that is supported by our group at NCAR. Using a web search, I found that it was developed by this group:
You will need to try to reach out to them to see if they can help.