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Set output frequency differently for 2D and 3D fields


New member

Is it possible to set the output frequency differently for 2D and 3D fields?
Or maybe select just a few fields to be output at a different (higher) frequency than the normal output?
I've searched the user manual but didn't find anything.

I plan to run high-resolution simulations: 100m spatially, with a grid of 1000 x 1000 x 128 grid-points.
I estimated each output file to be about 10 GB. I need 5-min output, hence it will be 2.8 TB per day.

This is too much, and I only really need the 5-min output for a few fields.


That is what I was looking for! A friend of mine recommended using the registry, but your alternative is much simpler. I just had to change a few things in my input files, and it is working already.

Now I have to figure out how to write a variable that is not available. I am doing a water budget, so besides evap, precip, etc., I also need precipitable water vapor at this higher time resolution output. Unfortunately, PWV is not computed at all by WRF. Right now I'm getting it from WRF_Post or WRF_Python.

Is there a tutorial on how to add a new variable to the wrf output?

If you look through the topics in the FAQ (from the home page of the forum), there are some examples of adding new variables. You also will probably find several previous posts from others about it with helpful information. You may also find this presentation from one of our tutorials helpful (or the recorded presentation, if you prefer that format).