You only need to run ungrib.exe of WPS to produce the intermediate format datafiles, which are later used for generation of lateral boundary fata for regional MPAS run. You don't need to specify domain and run geogrid.exe.
Hi Ming,
That was helpful. Thank you so much.
I have a follow-up question.
I am trying to use 60-km – 3-km mesh for running limited area simulation. While interpolating initial regional conditions, I get the following error msg when I run the init_atmosphere_model program with 36 MPI tasks.
Beginning MPAS-init_atmosphere Output Log File for task 0 of 36
Opened at 2023/06/22 15:17:21
Using default single-precision reals
Reading namelist from file namelist.init_atmosphere
Reading streams configuration from file streams.init_atmosphere
Found mesh stream with filename template texas.static.nc
Using default io_type for mesh stream
** Attempting to bootstrap MPAS framework using stream: input
Bootstrapping framework with mesh fields from input file 'texas.static.nc'
ERROR: Could not open block decomposition file for 36 blocks.
CRITICAL ERROR: Filename: texas.graph.info.part36
Total log messages printed:
Output messages = 9
Warning messages = 0
Error messages = 1
Critical error messages = 1
Could you please help me understand what I am doing wrong and what parameters I need to change?
Thank you.