Good Morning WRF-Help Forums,
Over the past few months, I have been working on using the WRF model on Argonne's LCRC Cluster but have been running into some issues pertaining to nested domains taking too long to write files. To fix this problem in the past, I have employed the PNetCDF library and file quilting options (namelist io setting 11 and setting the two options in &namelist_quilt). When trying to use these two options on LCRC however, my wrf.exe process aborts as soon as it tries to read in the first file with the following:
This is pointing to wrf_io.F90 in the pnetcdf module.
I built the WRF model using the GNU GCC-7.3.0 and OpenMPI-3.1.3 compilers, the following flags were set for all libraries I compiled:
I compiled the following libraries in the listed order:
For the WRF model, I enabled GRIB2 output through the Arch/ script, then I configured using options 34 (GNU (gfortran / gcc), dmpar), and 1 (Basic Nesting), then edited the output configure.wrf file:
I then compiled the model with no errors.
Any pointers on how to address this problem would be greatly appreciated. I've tried to provide as much information to the setup and the problem as possible, but can provide more if needed to help solve this issue.
Over the past few months, I have been working on using the WRF model on Argonne's LCRC Cluster but have been running into some issues pertaining to nested domains taking too long to write files. To fix this problem in the past, I have employed the PNetCDF library and file quilting options (namelist io setting 11 and setting the two options in &namelist_quilt). When trying to use these two options on LCRC however, my wrf.exe process aborts as soon as it tries to read in the first file with the following:
d01 2013-06-19_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built.
d01 2013-06-19_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 984
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
med_latbound_in: error opening wrfbdy_d01 for reading. IERR = -1021
This is pointing to wrf_io.F90 in the pnetcdf module.
I built the WRF model using the GNU GCC-7.3.0 and OpenMPI-3.1.3 compilers, the following flags were set for all libraries I compiled:
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicpc
export F77=mpifort
export FC=mpifort
export MPICXX=mpicpc
export MPIF77=mpifort
export MPICC=mpicc
export MPIFC=mpifort
I compiled the following libraries in the listed order:
For the WRF model, I enabled GRIB2 output through the Arch/ script, then I configured using options 34 (GNU (gfortran / gcc), dmpar), and 1 (Basic Nesting), then edited the output configure.wrf file:
Changed SFC to mpif90
Changed SCC to mpicc
changed CCOMP to mpicc
changed DM_FC to mpif90
changed DM_CC to mpicc
Under ARCHFLAGS added -DPNETCDF_QUILT on the line following -DPNETCDF
I then compiled the model with no errors.
Any pointers on how to address this problem would be greatly appreciated. I've tried to provide as much information to the setup and the problem as possible, but can provide more if needed to help solve this issue.