I am trying to compile WRF v4.1.2 on Linux #1 SMP 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64. I am compiling em_real in WRF using Intel ifort/icc compiler with the dmpar option. My compilation failed when it ran into a problem with "wrf_io.o: In function `ext_ncd_open_for_read_begin_'", with a bunch of error statements indicating undefined reference to 'nf_XXXX', where XXXX is many different variables. I have attached my configure.wrf and compile.log files to this post.
I previously compiled and ran WRF v3.9.1.1 successfully on the same machine with the identical environment settings. However, when I tried to configure WRF v4.1.2, I encountered this error message right off the bat:
************************** W A R N I N G ************************************
NETCDF4 IO features are requested, but this installation of NetCDF
DOES NOT support these IO features.
Please make sure NETCDF version is 4.1.3 or later and was built with
OR set NETCDF_classic variable
bash/ksh : export NETCDF_classic=1
echo csh : setenv NETCDF_classic 1
Then re-run this configure script
!!! configure.wrf has been REMOVED !!!
so I added 'export NETCDF_classic=1' in my .bashrc file according to its suggestion. Doing so avoided the error while configuring the model, but then I encountered the above error while compiling em_real. I am not too sure whether these issues are related.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I previously compiled and ran WRF v3.9.1.1 successfully on the same machine with the identical environment settings. However, when I tried to configure WRF v4.1.2, I encountered this error message right off the bat:
************************** W A R N I N G ************************************
NETCDF4 IO features are requested, but this installation of NetCDF
DOES NOT support these IO features.
Please make sure NETCDF version is 4.1.3 or later and was built with
OR set NETCDF_classic variable
bash/ksh : export NETCDF_classic=1
echo csh : setenv NETCDF_classic 1
Then re-run this configure script
!!! configure.wrf has been REMOVED !!!
so I added 'export NETCDF_classic=1' in my .bashrc file according to its suggestion. Doing so avoided the error while configuring the model, but then I encountered the above error while compiling em_real. I am not too sure whether these issues are related.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!