I am trying to run a wrf model for TC in the southwest pacific in this geolocation (-5 to -55 lon) and (145 E to 170 W lon). Because this longitude goes through the 180, it is given problem to define, when try to define it the longitude goes reverse and run from 170 W to 140 E making my interest area empty. Please someone help with suitable map projection and how to define the ref longitude and others to capture my interested area.
to add to this,
when I set the domain using mercator and extend the longitude to cross 180, geogrid.exe run and when I try to visualize the geo_*.nc using python. for example If I just contour(landmask) I will see the domain I specify, however if I contourf(Xlat,xlong,landmask) it shows the other part and leave area of interest empty. Then when I try to run metgrid the error comes up as Pres at 200100 is missing (i=682 j=1) something like that.
Thank you
to add to this,
when I set the domain using mercator and extend the longitude to cross 180, geogrid.exe run and when I try to visualize the geo_*.nc using python. for example If I just contour(landmask) I will see the domain I specify, however if I contourf(Xlat,xlong,landmask) it shows the other part and leave area of interest empty. Then when I try to run metgrid the error comes up as Pres at 200100 is missing (i=682 j=1) something like that.
Thank you
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