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SST data


New member
I want to input SST data (satellite) into the model for a small lake. Do you have any idea which data or method suitable?
Apologies for the long delay in response. Due to the holidays, illness, and preparing for our WRF tutorial, we've gotten a bit behind on forum inquiries. Thank you so much for your patience.

I'm not aware of any SST data that is available specifically for lakes. If you see slide 6 from this presentation, there are a couple of SST data sources - you could check whether they include data for the lake you're looking at. As for the method to do so, you would just follow the method discussed in this section of the Users' Guide. You will process both the meteorological fields, as well as the additional SST data you have, and when you run metgrid, for the namelist parameter "fg_name," you will put the SST suffix second - this way metgrid will process all of the other meteorological fields, which should include some sort of SST data, and then, where available, it will overwrite that SST with the additional SST values you have for the lake.
Thank you for your response to my question about using SST data with appropriate resolution for small lakes. If I find suitable data, I will let you know. Regarding slide 6, some data has been deprecated, and some sites are no longer accessible.

Thanks again
Thanks for letting me know. I will update the slide. And yes, please do let me know if you find the SST data you're looking for because it may help someone else in the future!