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Support to resolve dimension error while ploting taylor's diagram in NCL

Dear all,
I was trying to plot taylor's diagram in NCL with
2M Temperature from WRFCHEM as model dataet and CAMS-Reanalysis as Observation dataset for year 2012 only

I carryout regrid to both the model and the observation
The CAMS-reanalysis is already on montly and I used cdo to convert the WRFCHEM data to monmean so that both can be of equal dimensions
but while I tried to execute the program I have this flag:

(0) pattern_cor: Fatal: x and y do not have the same dimension sizes
(0) dimx: 7 dimy=8
(1) dimx: 41 dimy=41

Kindly see the NCL script for the taylor's diagram here and please help me on what I need to do correctly

with regards


  • taylorDiag_t2m.ncl.txt
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