Hello, I am a student who is studying WRF.
I succeeded in converting OISST data into intermediate data using netcdf-to-intermediate.f provided by ncar, but there is a time-varying problem.
This problem did not occur when I converted OISST data for 2022, so why is it happening? I would appreciate any advice on how to solve this problem.
I tried converting the same data using ghrsst-to-intermediate, but the time is still different.
I would appreciate any advice on why this problem occurs and how to solve it.
I succeeded in converting OISST data into intermediate data using netcdf-to-intermediate.f provided by ncar, but there is a time-varying problem.
This problem did not occur when I converted OISST data for 2022, so why is it happening? I would appreciate any advice on how to solve this problem.
(base) [ttuib_ni@rain oisst]$ ./netCDF-to-intermediate oisst-avhrr-v02r01.20170120.nc
INPUT FILES ARE: oisst-avhrr-v02r01.20170120.nc
DIMS for TIME is 1
START Time 0
AND THIS IS : 1978-01-01_00:00:00.0000
DIMS for SST is 1440 720 1 1
SST -999 -999 3116
Min/Max LAND-SEA : 0.0000000E+00 1.000000
Min/Max SST : -999.0000 304.3100
Sample SST : 273.5100
Creating SST:1978-01-01_00
--- End of input file ---
(base) [ttuib_ni@rain oisst]$ ls
netCDF-to-intermediate netcdf-to-intermediate.f oisst-avhrr-v02r01.20170120.nc SST:1978-01-01_00
I tried converting the same data using ghrsst-to-intermediate, but the time is still different.
I would appreciate any advice on why this problem occurs and how to solve it.
(base) [ttuib_ni@rain WPS-ghrsst-to-intermediate-master]$ ./ghrsst-to-intermediate.f90 -s oisst-avhrr-v02r01.20170120.nc
ny (lat) and idims(2) don't match.
idims(3) is not 1.
ny (lat) and idims(2) don't match.
idims(3) is not 1.
Creating SST:0000-00-00_12
*** Successful completion of program ghrsst-to-intermediate ***
(base) [ttuib_ni@rain WPS-ghrsst-to-intermediate-master]$ ls
add_time ghrsst-to-intermediate.f90 LICENSE makefile oisst-avhrr-v02r01.20170120.nc process_ghrsst.csh README.md SST:0000-00-00_12