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Time is not right when converting OISST data to intermediate data.


New member
Hello, I am a student who is studying WRF.

I succeeded in converting OISST data into intermediate data using netcdf-to-intermediate.f provided by ncar, but there is a time-varying problem.
This problem did not occur when I converted OISST data for 2022, so why is it happening? I would appreciate any advice on how to solve this problem.

(base) [ttuib_ni@rain oisst]$ ./netCDF-to-intermediate

DIMS for TIME is 1
START Time 0
AND THIS IS : 1978-01-01_00:00:00.0000
DIMS for SST is 1440 720 1 1
SST -999 -999 3116
Min/Max LAND-SEA : 0.0000000E+00 1.000000
Min/Max SST : -999.0000 304.3100
Sample SST : 273.5100
Creating SST:1978-01-01_00

--- End of input file ---

(base) [ttuib_ni@rain oisst]$ ls
netCDF-to-intermediate netcdf-to-intermediate.f SST:1978-01-01_00

I tried converting the same data using ghrsst-to-intermediate, but the time is still different.
I would appreciate any advice on why this problem occurs and how to solve it.

(base) [ttuib_ni@rain WPS-ghrsst-to-intermediate-master]$ ./ghrsst-to-intermediate.f90 -s
ny (lat) and idims(2) don't match.
idims(3) is not 1.
ny (lat) and idims(2) don't match.
idims(3) is not 1.
Creating SST:0000-00-00_12
*** Successful completion of program ghrsst-to-intermediate ***
(base) [ttuib_ni@rain WPS-ghrsst-to-intermediate-master]$ ls
add_time ghrsst-to-intermediate.f90 LICENSE makefile process_ghrsst.csh SST:0000-00-00_12
I'd first like to apologize for the delay in response. Our support staff have been out of the office much over the past month. Since you're using the same method for the 2017 data as you used in the past for more recent data, it seems like this is a data issue. I would recommend reaching out to the group that manages the data to see if they have any thoughts or suggestions. Otherwise, hopefully someone else on this forum will have had experience with this and will be able to help.