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Ungrib error: No space left on device

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
While trying to run WPS right after finishing the installation. I got the following error:
At line 160 of file output.f90 (unit = 13)
Fortran runtime error: Cannot open file './PFILE:2022-03-05_05': No space left on device

Error termination. Backtrace:
#0 0x155554a7a0a0 in ???
#1 0x155554a7ab45 in ???
#2 0x155554a7b4eb in ???
#3 0x155554c8bbb8 in ???
#4 0x155554c8be9c in ???
#5 0x40a7ca in ???
#6 0x408d36 in ???
#7 0x409350 in ???
#8 0x155553ed5492 in ???
#9 0x402c3d in ???
#10 0xffffffffffffffff in ???

So I was wonderig if there was a way to link my WRF installation into another folder (in another hard drive connected to a workstation) and how could I do it.
Let's suppose you have a hardware (e.g., /home/USB/) that is accessible from your machine. You can always link your file by the command below:
cd /home/USB
ln -sf /your file location/files .
Thank you, That worked!
Ming Chen said:
Let's suppose you have a hardware (e.g., /home/USB/) that is accessible from your machine. You can always link your file by the command below:
cd /home/USB
ln -sf /your file location/files .