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Using climatological aerosol in mp_physics=28 in WRF V4.4


New member
I've used mp_physics=28 in previous versions of WRF with no problem, but now I'm getting errors from real with V4.4.
Namelist.input contains:
wif_input_opt = 1,
num_wif_levels = 30,
mp_physics = 28, 28, 28,
use_aero_icbc = .true.,

The metgrid file contains I_WIF, P_WIF, W_WIF fields with vertical dimension of 30 and was created with WPS4.4. I wish to initialize WRF with the climatological aerosol fields at time 0 and leave them constant during the run. I'm using 3 domains and the error message from real is:
--- ERROR: Time-varying sfc aerosol emissions not set for mp_physics=28
--- ERROR: Please set qna_update=1 and control through auxinput17 options
--- ERROR: Time-varying sfc aerosol emissions not set for mp_physics=28
--- ERROR: Please set qna_update=1 and control through auxinput17 options
--- ERROR: Time-varying sfc aerosol emissions not set for mp_physics=28
--- ERROR: Please set qna_update=1 and control through auxinput17 options
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
NOTE: 3 namelist settings are wrong. Please check and reset these options
Any idea what might be wrong?
This scheme was updated with V4.4. This is the description of the update. Hopefully this helps!
  • Thompson Aerosol-aware microphysics: A black carbon aerosol category is added. To include black carbon in this microphysics as well as its radiative effect, an updated data file, QNWFA_QNIFA_QNBCA_SIGMA_MONTHLY.dat, is required and set wif_input_opt = 2 (option 1 works with water/ice friendly aerosol data only). Support is also added for ingesting real-time data that contains these aerosols (such as from GEOS-5) by setting use_rap_aero_icbc = .true. (Details). Time-varying surface aerosol emission from either climatology or real-time data is now handled using namelist option qna_update = 1 with input file name wrfqnainp_d0* (must set auxinput17_interval and io_form_auxinput17). In addition, biomass burning organic and black carbon aerosols can be added to the model by setting namelist wif_fire_emit = .true.. This option will work with data with and without black carbon, but it is particularly important during active wildfire hence when using a first-guess aerosol source that has information about biomass burning emissions (e.g., GEOS-5). When using this option, it is assumed this aerosol is evenly distributed in the PBL (controlled by namelist wif_fire_inj = 1). Details