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Variable resolution mesh (53~210 km) generation

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Is it possible to generate a mesh with variable resolution of about 53 to 210 km, with the same amount of cells as in x1.40962 and make it publicly available? The currently available variable resolution meshes have at least 163842 cells, which is a little heavy to run to my purposes.
We do have a mesh with 30210 cells that refines by a factor of five from approximately 240-km grid spacing to 48-km grid spacing that might suffice. This is the same variable-resolution mesh used in the online tutorial; we haven't yet provided a link on the mesh download page primarily because we haven't used this mesh for anything other than teaching purposes. Here's a link to this mesh: x5.30210.tar.gz. Hopefully this will work for your purposes, and if you do encounter any issues with this mesh, please feel free to follow-up on this thread.