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what are the advected parameters and non-advected parameters in module_data_sorgam_vbs.F?


Hi all,

I have a quick question. I tried to add more species, but cannot be sure if some belong to advected or non-advected parameters.

what are advected parameters and non-advected parameters in module_data_sorgam_vbs.F?

" INTEGER laerdvc, lnonaerdvc, l1ae, laero, imodes, aspec
PARAMETER (laerdvc=39,lnonaerdvc=8+lspcv)
PARAMETER (l1ae=laerdvc+lnonaerdvc)

! LAERDVC number of advected aerosol dynamic parameters for a given
! component species
!ia L1AE advected parameters+non-advected parameters"

Thanks in advance for any idea
