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WRF Capabilities

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hello all,

I am a very new user to WRF and I have been going through the user guide to see if WRF can do what I want. I looking to see if WRF can go from a 1d vertical met profile, where I have a list of height and for height I have pressure, humidity, temperature, wind angle and wind direction; and I want to convert this 1d profile into a 4d met where I have WRF outputs in the form of NetCDF formats. Is this something WRF can do?

I have been going through the guide and looking at the system flow diagram and it seems I think I would have to run ./ideal and feed that into wrfda which will then feed into ./wrf?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Some ideal cases only need the vertical profile as input to run WRF. You can take a look at these cases.
Please understand first what you want scientific questions you want to address, and then select what case you want to run.
We need 4d met data so we can run some of our dispersion codes. For the scenarios we have we only have a vertical profile and would like to run the dispersion with 4d met. Which one of the ideal cases would be suitable for that?

I don't really know the dispersion code you are going to run. It is hard to tell whether an ideal case or a real-data case is better. However, if you want to examine the realistic disperse of some tracers, probably a real-data case is better.