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WRF-Chem compilation error


I am getting error with the compilation of WRF-Chem code.

Could you please help with solving this.

Attaching the configure.wrf file and compile.log

Thank you


  • compile (2).txt
    2.5 MB · Views: 18
  • configurewrf.txt
    23.1 KB · Views: 13
I have some scripts that I use that might help you. Looking at your configurewrf.txt it seems that hdf5, zlib is listed in the configure file. Also you seem to be using intel compilers so I THINK you need to change lines 167/168 to mpiifort/mpiicc for dmpar options. Also make sure you have exported all the required flags for WRF CHEM to install properly.
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Hi Prerita,

As Will has mentioned, it seems you are having a problem with the compiler you've chosen - see these lines in your compile log:

/scratch/sw/anaconda/anaconda3-2021.11/bin/mpif90: line 392: x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gfortran: command not found

If you have tried Will's solution, please report back. Otherwise, you should check that you indeed have intel compilers in your Anaconda installation. Going the gfortran route may be a better option.

Hi all,
I am also facing a similar issue. Please help me out.

/home/anaconda3/bin/mpif90: line 392: x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gfortran: command not found

Hi all,
I am also facing a similar issue. Please help me out.

/home/anaconda3/bin/mpif90: line 392: x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gfortran: command not found

Can you make a separate issue topic in the forums?

NCAR prefers only one issue per thread. Thank you.