catemgn/EDGARv5_MOZART: EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory for the MOZART chemical mechanism: source code
using this data
I am running WRF-Chem, but as shown in rsl.out.0000, the simulation stops at:
Timing for main: time 2015-05-05_00:01:00 on domain 1: 31.16376 elapsed seconds
It does not proceed further. Should I modify something in the namelist.input file?
catemgn/EDGARv5_MOZART: EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory for the MOZART chemical mechanism: source code
using this data
I am running WRF-Chem, but as shown in rsl.out.0000, the simulation stops at:
Timing for main: time 2015-05-05_00:01:00 on domain 1: 31.16376 elapsed seconds
It does not proceed further. Should I modify something in the namelist.input file?
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