New member
I am having problems running WRF-Hydro with NLDAS regridded data (with NAN values replaced) and it shows the following in the diag_hydro.00000 file:
t0OutputFlag: 1
read forcing data at 2024-02-01_00:00:00 . /Forcing/2024020101.LDASIN_DOMAIN1
name = "T20"
the job is stopped due to the fatal error. in get_2d_netcdf() - nf90_get_var problem
I hope a kind soul will help me out
t0OutputFlag: 1
read forcing data at 2024-02-01_00:00:00 . /Forcing/2024020101.LDASIN_DOMAIN1
name = "T20"
the job is stopped due to the fatal error. in get_2d_netcdf() - nf90_get_var problem
I hope a kind soul will help me out