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WRF Output and *met_em*.nc Files are Vastly Different


New member

I think this counts as a different topic. I posted a reply regarding this matter in: Creating Intermediate Files using pywinter w/NOAA/CIRES/DOE 20th Century Reanalysis (V3) Data

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the *met_em*.nc files should resemble *wrfout* files(?). I'm running a hurricane event, and the mslp, at multiple time steps b/n *met_em* and *wrfout* files, don't align with one another. They're Vastly different.
WRF output (mslp):

MET_EM output for the same time (mslp):


How could the two be so different?
met_em data are derived from the 20th Century Reanalysis data, while wrfout files represent simulations of WRF. Note that the physics and dynamics as well as model resolutions etc. can be quite different between WRF and the model used to generate the reanalysis. It is not unexpected that wrfout and reanalysis show different results.