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WRF Radiation

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hello everyone,

I would appreciate if someone could help me with my question on WRF radiation scheme. I want to run WRF with off-line radiation. To clarify, I want to turn off the impact of radiation on other meteorological variables at each timestep (decoupling radiation scheme). I took a look at WRF user guide but I couldn't find a way to do that. Would you please let me know how can I run WRF with off-line radiation?
Thank you in advance for your help.


WRF real data case cannot work with both long-wave and short-wave radiation schemes being turned off. Only some ideal cases like the 2D gravity case can work in this way.

Ming Chen
Thank you for the reply Ming,
Just to be sure that my question is clear, please note that I don't want to turn off radiation scheme in WRF (real case). In fact, I just want to know how to turn off the feedback from the radiation scheme on meteorology (and chemistry) in WRF(-chem). Is that possible?

I am not sure whether I understand your question correctly.
RTHRATENLW and RTHRATENSW are the theta tendencies due to long- and short-wave radiation; SWDOWN and GLW are downward short- and long-wave fluxes in the surface. These variables directly affect meteorological variables in the surface and atmosphere. I suppose that setting them to zero after the radiation scheme is called will turn off the impact of radiation. This is equivalent to running WRF without radiation scheme. However, I don't know why you want to do so. Physically it makes no sense. Furthermore, the model may possibly crash due to the unrealistic physics.
If you work with WRF-CHEM, please talk to our experts in wrf-chem by sending email to

Ming Chen
Thank you for the explanation Ming. You're right my question is more related to WRF-Chem (chemistry-radiation feedback).