Hi all,
I have a general question about how to work with WRF longlat rotated projection. I am not completely sure about how should I work with the outputs.
In lambert projection, the model grid is something like (PROJ.4):
+proj=lcc +lat_1=TRUELAT1 +lat_2=TRUELAT2 +lat_0=MOAD_CEN_LAT +lon_0=STAND_LON +a=6370 +b=6370 +towgs84=0,0,0 +no_defs
where TRUELAT1 TRUELAT2 MOAD_CEN_LAT STAND_LON are defined in the namelist.wps.
Someone knows how should I define the WRF model grid (in PROJ.4) with this namelist configuration?
map_proj = 'lat-lon',
ref_lat = 60.21,
ref_lon = -44.14,
ref_x = 11,
ref_y = 113,
stand_lon = -18,
pole_lat = 39.25,
pole_lon = -162,
I have a general question about how to work with WRF longlat rotated projection. I am not completely sure about how should I work with the outputs.
In lambert projection, the model grid is something like (PROJ.4):
+proj=lcc +lat_1=TRUELAT1 +lat_2=TRUELAT2 +lat_0=MOAD_CEN_LAT +lon_0=STAND_LON +a=6370 +b=6370 +towgs84=0,0,0 +no_defs
where TRUELAT1 TRUELAT2 MOAD_CEN_LAT STAND_LON are defined in the namelist.wps.
Someone knows how should I define the WRF model grid (in PROJ.4) with this namelist configuration?
map_proj = 'lat-lon',
ref_lat = 60.21,
ref_lon = -44.14,
ref_x = 11,
ref_y = 113,
stand_lon = -18,
pole_lat = 39.25,
pole_lon = -162,