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New member
Hi dears
I am trying run anthro_emis< sami.inp to produce wrfchemi files and I brought my inp file to run the "anthro_emis.exe". but it only produce wrfchemi_00::00:00 file until the end of date which is in sami.inp.(stop_output_time = '2022-03-02_00:00:00) and it is stopped.
what shall I do to produce emission files for 3 domains
this is my sami.inp:
domains = 2,
anthro_dir = './edgar_v5_MOZART/'
wrf_dir = '/gpfs/projects/ehpc52/WRF-4.5.2-support/run/'
src_file_prefix = 'edgar_v5_2015_'
src_file_suffix = ''
src_names = 'CO(28)','NOx(30)','SO2(64)','NH3(17)','BC(12)','OC(12)','PM2.5(1)','PM10(1)','BENZENE(78)','BIGALK(72)','BIGENE(56)','C2H2(26)','C2H4(28)',
sub_categories = 'TOTAL'
serial_output = .true.
start_output_time = '2022-03-01_12:00:00'
stop_output_time = '2022-03-02_00:00:00'

output_interval = 3600,
data_yrs_offset = 7, !In the guidelines there is a -, but the correct one is a +!
emissions_zdim_stag = 1,
!emission map according to emiss_opt==10 used for MOZART-MOSAIC. See registry.chem.
!not indicating sectors in the mapping means it will look for all the ones indicated in sub_categories.
emis_map = 'CO->CO',
and this is the error:
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source 00007F45D0E0CDF0 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F45D0E6791E free Unknown Unknown
anthro_emis 0000000000492168 for_deallocate_ha Unknown Unknown
anthro_emis 0000000000430D57 Unknown Unknown Unknown
anthro_emis 000000000044E6EF Unknown Unknown Unknown
anthro_emis 000000000040E54D Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F45D0DF7EB0 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F45D0DF7F60 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
anthro_emis 000000000040E465 Unknown Unknown Unknown
srun: error: gs01r2b67: task 0: Exited with exit code 174
srun: Terminating StepId=7966279.0
I'm having a similar issue to you,did you solve it?
I would be very grateful if you could share your experience