Hello everyone:
When I was working on the cycle mode of WRFDA, I conducted data assimilation at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 respectively. I found that after completing the assimilation at 6:00 and linking to the WRF running directory, the namelist should be integrated from 6:00 to 12:00. However, the output of the results did not seem to be affected by the assimilation of wrfinput. I compared the mode results after updating the lower boundary, DA running, and latral boundary, and found no problems.
Why is there such a significant difference in the output results of the mode when running the second time?
Originally, the PM2.5 concentration was highest at 75ug/m3, but now it is only about 0.4 at 6:00
As you can see, there is no problem with updating the lower boundary and completing the DA, but once converted to WRF, PM2.5 and PM10 will accumulate from 0 in China
When I was working on the cycle mode of WRFDA, I conducted data assimilation at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 respectively. I found that after completing the assimilation at 6:00 and linking to the WRF running directory, the namelist should be integrated from 6:00 to 12:00. However, the output of the results did not seem to be affected by the assimilation of wrfinput. I compared the mode results after updating the lower boundary, DA running, and latral boundary, and found no problems.
Why is there such a significant difference in the output results of the mode when running the second time?
Originally, the PM2.5 concentration was highest at 75ug/m3, but now it is only about 0.4 at 6:00
As you can see, there is no problem with updating the lower boundary and completing the DA, but once converted to WRF, PM2.5 and PM10 will accumulate from 0 in China