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radiance assimilation

  1. F

    ATMS data assimilation, but num_tovs_global and num_tovs_local were not detected in any of the four files.

    Four files were tried 00/06/12/18 and the assimilation time window was 6h. but still no local data could be detected。 For 00T, the rsl* file display reads as follows: Reading radiance 1b data from atms.bufr Bufr file date is 2020 4 1 0 atms...
  2. L

    WRFDA with himawari radiance

    Hello, I am trying to run da with himawari radiance. I convert himawari hsd data to netcdf using cspp_geocat software and renamed the output L1AHITBR and one L2AHICLP. Here some part of my...
  3. M

    3DVAR Himawari Radiance error

    hello, i tried to assimilate himawari radiance L1 nc data from jaxa i renamed AH1TBR. i always stuck in this error. can anyone tell me whats wrong? here's some attach rsl.error taskid: 0 hostname: anonymous da_module_io_quilt_old.F 2931 T Namelist logging not found in namelist.input...
  4. M

    Anyone has

    I am doing Him8 Radiance assimilation, and I would like to use the cloud detection with the option of use_clddet_zz. In this option, the static data (terrain and landmask) is used in RTCT detection, which should be downloaded in To be...
  5. C

    Error from radiance DA

    Hello, I tried to run WRFDA version 4.3.3 with conventional, RO, and radiance observations. However, I got an error as below. CRTM_LandSurface_IsValid(INFORMATION) : Invalid Land Surface data CRTM_K_Matrix(FAILURE) : Input data check failed for profile #1 ---------------------------- FATAL...