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An question about the surface albedo used in Madronich photolysis (TUV)


New member
Hi, all

I have a question about the surface albedo used in Madronich photolysis (TUV), one of the photolysis schemes in WRF-Chem. When I delved into the code details of this scheme, I found that the surface albedo used in the calculation of this code is a constant value. However, according to my understanding, different underlying surfaces have a significant impact on albedo. For example, when the wavelength (wl) is less than 400nm, all the albedo values are set to 0.05. But if the underlying surface is snow, the albedo should be around 0.9. Therefore, I think there is a substantial difference. I am focusing on this because I want to incorporate the calculated actinic flux from this module into the snow to perform my study. So I was wondering if anyone with knowledge of this module could provide some advice? I'm not sure if there's a misunderstanding in my understanding or if I haven't seen a more detailed calculation. This code is located in the WRF-Chem/Chem module_phot_mad.F
