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Compile with OneAPI Intel


Has anyone tried to compile the WRF system and associated libraries with the OneAPI Intel compiler. Here there is an explanation on how to compile with classic Intel compiler. But soon (2023-2024), OneAPI C/C++ compiler (icx, icpx) will succeed to the classic (icc,icpc) compiler.
Do you know if there is any tutorial to learn how to compile with OneAPI ?
The linked example should be a good starting point for using the OneAPI compilers, especially as they share similar flags. You might be able to just replace icc -> icx and ifort -> ifx

Stanzas for the OneAPI compilers already exist in the latest WRF/WPS releases so once the dependencies are built you should be able to compile WRF.
I was not so successful.
I have configuration errors with the first library that I have tried to build, mpich. I have attached the config.log and my flag settings.


    958 bytes · Views: 2
  • config.log
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