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Update sst_skin = 1

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I want to set sst_skin = 1.
If this option is set, does SST change over time? If not, is there a way to update and calculate at regular intervals?
Turning on sst_skin calculates the thin layer at the top of the sea surface. This is something you will want to use if doing multi-year runs. You can read more about it in literature by Zeng and Beljaars (2005).

To update SST over time, you can follow instructions given in these pages:
Hello. The simulation I do is up to a few weeks. The online tutorial method is suitable. Thank you.
I forgot to listen to one.

The update period of sst_update = 1 is the update period of input data (6 hours when using normal FNL data).
Is the update period of sst_skin = 1 correct in 24 hours?
Yes. That's right. I'm sorry, the way to tell was bad.

If you set stt_skin = 1 in namelist.input,
What is the time interval for updating the SST value?

I've done a one-day simulation with sst_skin = 1, but even if I displayed the SST value with grads, it was the same value and distribution throughout the day. So I asked the update frequency.
This is calculated every time step and you should see a very small diurnal cycle over the water. The variable you need to plot is TSK.