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[SOLVED] Modify location of rsl.* files for ARW

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New member

I'm running the dmpar version of WRF-ARW on our HPC cluster. This creates one rsl.out.* and one rsl.error.* file per core, which means that there's more than 1000 such files in my run directory, which is, well, inconvenient.

I would very much like to be able to configure location of these rsl files. I did see the README.rsl_output documentation file and tried following what's written there. However, it didn't seem to have any effect. Somewhere else, I read that what's written in that documentation file only applies to WRF-NMM, and not to WRF-ARW.

I would very much appreciate any pointers towards how I can move the rsl output files to a separate directory.
Hi Andreas,
I had to modify one of my files to make the RSL_LITE option work (and it did work for ARW). I will send you the modified code, but I want to ask what version of the model you're using so that I can make sure I'm modifying the correct file. Can you also attach your configure.wrf file?
The file is "external/RSL_LITE/c_code.c". It's C code, not Fortran.

You might consider moving the other files. Here is what I use:

auxinput1_inname = './metdata/met_em_d01.<date>',
history_outname = './wrfdata/wrfout_d<domain>_<date>',
Thanks for the hints! I actually made this work, as it turned out I was too, well, stupid. Obviously, when I want real.exe to change, I should compile em_real and not compile wrf ...

Anyways, your confirmation that it should work made me look harder and find my mistake.

I'm glad to hear that you were able to get past it, regardless of the reason for the problem! Don't feel bad. We all make mistakes with the model - even those who have a great deal of experience.