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gpmetis -minconn -contig -niter=200 16384
config_nvertlevels = 1
config_nsoillevels = 1
config_nfglevels = 1
config_nfgsoillevels = 1
mgduda said:Processing the static fields (especially the GWDO fields) for these larger meshes can be a bit tricky. I've found on Cheyenne, for example, that I need to undersubscribe nodes to gain access to enough aggregate memory, and I ended up processing terrain, land use, etc. separately from the GWDO fields. From memory, here's what I tried, and what might work on your system:
1) First, set config_static_interp = true and all other pre-processing stages to "false". Then, try running with, say, 16 nodes with 16 MPI ranks per node to produce a static file without GWDO fields. Here, you'll need to use the x1.65536002.cvt.part.256 file to ensure correct interpolation of the static fields in parallel.
2) Next, set config_native_gwdo_static = true and all other pre-processing stages to "false". You'll also need to set the input file in the "streams.atmosphere" file to the name of the static file produced in (1) and the output file to some other name (e.g., ""). Then, try processing the GWDO fields with 16 nodes and just one or two MPI ranks per node.
The GWDO processing is not memory efficient right now: each MPI rank reads in the entire 30-arc-second global terrain dataset, which is about 3.7 GB when typecast into 32-bit reals. So, to avoid exceeding the amount of memory on any node, you'll need to use just a few MPI ranks per node. Unlike the terrain, land use, etc. fields, the GWDO fields don't require any special CVT partition file to be processed in parallel, so you can just use Metis to create an file as needed.
You'll also need to set the input file in the "streams.atmosphere" file to the name of the static file produced in (1) and the output file to some other name (e.g., "").
mgduda said:There's no need to specify a clobber_mode attribute (and note that the default clobber_mode is "never_modify"), since no files will be overwritten. As mentioned in step 2:
You'll also need to set the input file in the "streams.atmosphere" file to the name of the static file produced in (1) and the output file to some other name (e.g., "").