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4DVAR crashed with core dump

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Feng Liu

I am running WRFDA4.3/4DVAR. The program da_wrfvar.exe is always crashed with the following error message with core dump (please see log file of running 4dvar program attached).

Error in `./da_wrfvar.exe': malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x0000000068b65bb0

I could not fixe the problem even though I tried to use gdb to analyze the core dump file ( please see attached gdb analysis as well as namelist.input, rsl.error.0000, and rsl.out.0000 with debug information).

Thanks for any ideas and helps.


  • rsl.out.0000.txt
    11.8 MB · Views: 57
  • rsl.error.0000.txt
    11.8 MB · Views: 56
  • namelist.input
    2 KB · Views: 48
  • gdb.core.log
    7.9 KB · Views: 52
  • 4dvar.crash.error.txt
    6.6 KB · Views: 59