I was trying to run the idealized JW wave case with MPAS-Atmosphere on the recent Mac with 8 M1 cpus. For both init_atmosphere_model and atmosphere_model, Everything works perfectly with 1 or 2 cores. But if the job is run with >2 cores, the job will simply get hung there without making any progresses or being terminated, and the following message will show up but no complaints at all in the logs.
The MPAS-Atmosphere was compiled at single precisions with PIO2.
Thanks in advance!
I was trying to run the idealized JW wave case with MPAS-Atmosphere on the recent Mac with 8 M1 cpus. For both init_atmosphere_model and atmosphere_model, Everything works perfectly with 1 or 2 cores. But if the job is run with >2 cores, the job will simply get hung there without making any progresses or being terminated, and the following message will show up but no complaints at all in the logs.
GPTLstart name=PIO:write_darray_multi_par: GPTLinitialize has not been called
GPTLstop: GPTLinitialize has not been called
GPTLstop: GPTLinitialize has not been called
GPTLstop: GPTLinitialize has not been called
GPTLstop: GPTLinitialize has not been called
mca_fbtl_posix_ipwritev: error in aio_write(): Resource temporarily unavailable
vulcan_write_all: fbtl_ipwritev failed
The MPAS-Atmosphere was compiled at single precisions with PIO2.
Thanks in advance!