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both plotgrids.ncl and plotgrids_new.ncl are not right for rotated latlon

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
projection it seems. this is what i have tried ... the plots looks strange

e_we = 126
e_sn = 123
dx = 0.44,
dy = 0.44,
map_proj = 'lat-lon',
ref_lat = 60.21,
ref_lon = -44.14,
ref_x = 11,
ref_y = 113,
stand_lon = -18,
pole_lat = 39.25,
pole_lon = -162,

So NCL really struggles with the wrf rotated lat-lon projections, especially if they were made with the domain wizard. What area are you hoping to have in your domain? I have attached the plot I get when I used your namelist.wps on my end. Another way to test your domain to see if it is what you want is to go ahead and run geogrid and look at the landmask in

Lambert is great depending on your domain. The closer you get to the poles, the more skewed it gets.


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