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Call for papers Fire in California special issue

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Dear Colleagues,

I would like to call your attention for a special issue in the MDPI Fire Journal: Fire in California.

California experiences substantial numbers of wildfires every year with tremendous loss of life, property, air quality degradation, ecosystems perturbations and economic impacts. Climate change associated with anthropogenic greenhouse emissions and historic forest management practices have aggravated the problem of wildfires in California. This special issue of Fires in California in the MDPI Fire Journal welcomes submissions of papers addressing all aspects of wildfires in California. In particular, we encourage submissions dealing with extreme fire-weather behavior, forest vegetation management, uncoupled and coupled fire behavior models, remote sensing techniques and applications, fires at the wildland urban interface, smoke dispersion, air-quality and health impacts, fire ignition sources, paleoecology applications to wildfires, fire effects on vegetation, soils and hydrology, wildfire evacuation modeling, fire safety and wildfire policies in California.

Additional information about manuscript submission is here:



Dr. Charles Jones
Department of Geography and
Earth Research Institute (ERI)
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3060

phone: (805) 893-5824
fax: (805) 893-2578