After successfully compiled wrfchem-3.9.1 I find it difficult to compile emi_convert to generate convert_emiss.exe executable, a program that converts binary intermediate chemical fields into netcdf WRF-compatible format
I discovered that emi_convert is missing in the wrfchem folder as shown bellow:
julius@CRG:~/Buid_WRF/WRF$ ls
arch clean compile.log configure.wrf dyn_em external hydro main phys Registry share tools wrftladj compile configure doc dyn_nmm frame inc Makefile README run test var
what can I do in order to compile emi_convert
with kind regards
I discovered that emi_convert is missing in the wrfchem folder as shown bellow:
julius@CRG:~/Buid_WRF/WRF$ ls
arch clean compile.log configure.wrf dyn_em external hydro main phys Registry share tools wrftladj compile configure doc dyn_nmm frame inc Makefile README run test var
what can I do in order to compile emi_convert
with kind regards