I was hoping you please could help is with a question about changes in real.exe between V4.0 and V4.1.
We are running WRF-Chem and use the same GFS forecast for two different simulations the only difference are the WPS and WRF versions; in one we are using V4.0 and the other V4.1. We noticed that while the met_em files are identical, there are notable differences in the meteorological fields in the wrfbdy_d01 which translate into significant differences in our simulated chemical fields. Is this to be expected and if so, what is the cause of the differences.
Thanks in advance for your help
I was hoping you please could help is with a question about changes in real.exe between V4.0 and V4.1.
We are running WRF-Chem and use the same GFS forecast for two different simulations the only difference are the WPS and WRF versions; in one we are using V4.0 and the other V4.1. We noticed that while the met_em files are identical, there are notable differences in the meteorological fields in the wrfbdy_d01 which translate into significant differences in our simulated chemical fields. Is this to be expected and if so, what is the cause of the differences.
Thanks in advance for your help