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CO2 boundary and initial conditions [SOLVED]

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Georgii Nerobelov

New member
Hello Sir/Madam.

I`m working on modelling spatial-temporal destribution of CO2 using WRF-CHEM. SInce MOZART modeled data I used as BC and IC doesn`t include CO2 simulations was looking for another dataset. Recently I`ve found CarbonTracker dataset from I`m wondering what changes I have to make in the scripts of mozbc to allow mozbc adding CO2 values to wrfinput and wrfbdy. For instance, I prepared CarbonTracker dataset which includes CO2 field and trying to use mozbc with this. But unfortunately mozbc run fails with error which doesn`t give me a clue what I should change (.nc file or mozbc scripts) to have sucesfull run.
Probably there are other ways to include CO2 boundary and initial conditions except mozbc.
I`ve attached mozbc.inp, mozbc.output, wrfinput, wrfbdy (run with chem_opt=301) and the CarbonTracker dataset in case someone will be interested to help me in handling this issue.
Thank you in advance!!

PS - here are links to .nc dataset and wrfbdy ( and


  • mozbc.inp.txt
    255 bytes · Views: 119
  • mozbc.out.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 104
    4.2 MB · Views: 85
Dear Georgii,

my approach would be to download MOZART data, to look at the netCDF file and try to process your Carbon Tracker output file so that all the metadata / units / etc are exactly like in the MOZART files. Then, using mozbc should be as simple as using CO2 as tracer name in the namelist.

hilboll said:
Dear Georgii,

my approach would be to download MOZART data, to look at the netCDF file and try to process your Carbon Tracker output file so that all the metadata / units / etc are exactly like in the MOZART files. Then, using mozbc should be as simple as using CO2 as tracer name in the namelist.


Dear Andreas!

I used the same approach and it worked!
Thank you very much!

Georgy Nerobelov.
I used the same approach and it worked!

Georgy, I'm happy to hear that! Do you have the script(s) you used to do the conversion from Carbon Tracker to MOZART format? If so, I would be very grateful if you would share them here :)