Georgii Nerobelov
New member
Hello Sir/Madam.
I`m working on modelling spatial-temporal destribution of CO2 using WRF-CHEM. SInce MOZART modeled data I used as BC and IC doesn`t include CO2 simulations was looking for another dataset. Recently I`ve found CarbonTracker dataset from I`m wondering what changes I have to make in the scripts of mozbc to allow mozbc adding CO2 values to wrfinput and wrfbdy. For instance, I prepared CarbonTracker dataset which includes CO2 field and trying to use mozbc with this. But unfortunately mozbc run fails with error which doesn`t give me a clue what I should change (.nc file or mozbc scripts) to have sucesfull run.
Probably there are other ways to include CO2 boundary and initial conditions except mozbc.
I`ve attached mozbc.inp, mozbc.output, wrfinput, wrfbdy (run with chem_opt=301) and the CarbonTracker dataset in case someone will be interested to help me in handling this issue.
Thank you in advance!!
PS - here are links to .nc dataset and wrfbdy ( and
I`m working on modelling spatial-temporal destribution of CO2 using WRF-CHEM. SInce MOZART modeled data I used as BC and IC doesn`t include CO2 simulations was looking for another dataset. Recently I`ve found CarbonTracker dataset from I`m wondering what changes I have to make in the scripts of mozbc to allow mozbc adding CO2 values to wrfinput and wrfbdy. For instance, I prepared CarbonTracker dataset which includes CO2 field and trying to use mozbc with this. But unfortunately mozbc run fails with error which doesn`t give me a clue what I should change (.nc file or mozbc scripts) to have sucesfull run.
Probably there are other ways to include CO2 boundary and initial conditions except mozbc.
I`ve attached mozbc.inp, mozbc.output, wrfinput, wrfbdy (run with chem_opt=301) and the CarbonTracker dataset in case someone will be interested to help me in handling this issue.
Thank you in advance!!
PS - here are links to .nc dataset and wrfbdy ( and