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Compile convert_emiss in WRF-Chem 4?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Sick question,

When I am trying to compile convert_emiss using ./compile emi_conv, I get an error saying "This option is not recognized." Is the compilation process for convert_emiss different in WRF-Chem4 compared to WRF-Chem 3.6.1-3.9.1?

Thanks in advance,
Hi Stefan,

This is a known issue for WRF-Chem v4.0. You need to download a newer compile file to compile emi_conv. Here is the link to the issue on WRF-Chem website.

But after compilation, I have another issue using convert_emiss.exe to generate anthropogenic emission from NEI 2005/2011. Let me know whether you have the same issue. Thank you. The issue looks like

Total number of times to input = 49 49
Number of emissions: 30
dims: 1 1 1
dims: 175 65 135 19
dims: 1 1 1
dims: 175 65 135
dims: 186 19 146 43 3
dims: 176 19 136
At line 1471 of file convert_emiss.f90 (unit = 91, file = 'wrfem_00to12z_d01')
Fortran runtime error: I/O past end of record on unformatted file

I also posted this issue in this forum. You may find details there.
