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Compillation MPAS-v7.0Error

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am trying to build MPAS libraries using the script provided by the post of forum:
and my installation script was introduced in attachments.
I've been using the following library versions:
+ zlib 1.2.11
+ HDF5 1.10.5
+ parallel-netCDF 1.11.0
+ netCDF C 4.6.1
+ netCDF Fortran 4.4.4
+ PIO2 master v2.4.2
However, when I use command to installation MPAS model
"make ifort CORE=atmosphere PRECISION=single USE_PIO2=true >& mpas.log"
Then it errors.
/tmp/ifortKbPIMC.i(1603): catastrophic error: Too many errors, exiting
compilation aborted for module_sf_noahdrv.F (code 1)
make[5]: *** [module_sf_noahdrv.o] Error 1
make[4]: *** [core_physics_wrf] Error 2
make[3]: *** [physcore] Error 2
make[2]: *** [dycore] Error 2
make[1]: *** [mpas_main] Error 2
make: *** [ifort] Error 2
Please help me solve this problem. Thank you very much!


  • mpas.log
    25.7 KB · Views: 74
  • iolib_installation.txt
    3.5 KB · Views: 71
There seem to be quite a few errors in compiling the Noah LSM:
mpif90 -D_MPI -DUSE_PIO2 -DCORE_ATMOSPHERE -DMPAS_NAMELIST_SUFFIX=atmosphere -DMPAS_EXE_NAME=atmosphere_model -DSINGLE_PRECISION -DMPAS_NATIVE_TIMERS -DMPAS_GIT_VERSION=unknown -Dmpas -O3 -convert big_endian -free -align array64byte -c module_sf_noahdrv.F -I/export/home/cloud/work/user/manh/MPAS/library/include -I/share/apps/intel_16/netcdf/4.4.0/include -I/export/home/cloud/work/user/manh/MPAS/library/include -I/export/home/cloud/work/user/manh/MPAS/library/include -I/share/apps/intel_16/netcdf/4.4.0/include -I/export/home/cloud/work/user/manh/MPAS/library/include -I.. -I../../../framework -I../../../external/esmf_time_f90
module_sf_noahdrv.F(1341): error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument.   [DZR]
                       DZR,DZB,DZG,                                     & ! C
module_sf_noahdrv.F(1341): error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument.   [DZB]
                       DZR,DZB,DZG,                                     & ! C
module_sf_noahdrv.F(1341): error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument.   [DZG]
                       DZR,DZB,DZG,                                     & ! C
Can you try running
make clean CORE=atmosphere
and then
make ifort CORE=atmosphere PRECISION=single USE_PIO2=true >& make.log
One possible reason for the original errors is that the model was partially compiled with double-precision reals, then recompiled with single-precision reals (i.e., with PRECISION=single in the build command). If cleaning and recompiling doesn't succeed, can you attach the resulting "make.log" file, which should contain both stdout and stderr messages?
Dear Mr.mgduda,
I have some errors when compile netcdf and netcdf-fortran because I don't use make check while compilation. I recompile them and I compile completely MPAS model with core atmosphere.
Thank for your help.