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config_jedi_da = F

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


I have successfully run MPAS several times. However, my most recent attempt results in the attached error. I have tried to troubleshoot, double-checking spelling, and redoing the preceding steps (WPS, init, sfc_update, etc.) with the same results. Does anyone have any ideas on what may be wrong?



  • Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 10.10.06 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 10.10.06 AM.png
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  • Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 11.40.08 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 11.40.08 AM.png
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  • streams.atmosphere.txt
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  • namelist.atmosphere.txt
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  • log.atmosphere.0000.txt
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No, unfortunately, there was only the log.atmo.out attached above. I also created a run log in an attempt to glean extra information.


  • log.modelrun.txt
    358.3 KB · Views: 38
The error message
forrtl: severe (59): list-directed I/O syntax error, unit -5, file Internal List-Directed Read
Image PC Routine Line Source
atmosphere_model 000000000103836B Unknown Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 00000000010619A1 Unknown Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 00000000010606C5 Unknown Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 000000000096A902 Unknown Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 00000000004A93CA Unknown Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 000000000040A601 Unknown Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 0000000000408714 Unknown Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 00000000004070B9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 0000000000407062 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00002BAA4426D6E5 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
atmosphere_model 0000000000406F69 Unknown Unknown Unknown
suggests there's a string somewhere that isn't in the expected format.

If you haven't already done so, it may be worth cleaning and recompiling the model with DEBUG=true to try to get a more useful stack trace (and, hopefully, a line number where the internal read is failing).
Would I include "debug" in the following way:

make clean CORE=atmosphere
make ifort CORE=atmosphere PRECISION=double USE_PIO2=true DEBUG=true
make clean CORE=init_atmosphere
make ifort CORE=init_atmosphere PRECISION=double USE_PIO2=true DEBUG=true
zmenzo said:
Would I include "debug" in the following way:

make clean CORE=atmosphere
make ifort CORE=atmosphere PRECISION=double USE_PIO2=true DEBUG=true
make clean CORE=init_atmosphere
make ifort CORE=init_atmosphere PRECISION=double USE_PIO2=true DEBUG=true

That's correct.
When compiled with DEBUG=true, the model will probably run about an order of magnitude slower than usual. I was actually hoping that the model would have stopped with a filename and line number where the invalid read was occurring.