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Creating a 240km-~50km Mesh

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Dear MPAS Community

Is there an application I can use to create my own variable-resolution mesh or does anyone have a 240km - ~50km mesh ?

The motivation behind this is that I have run a 32 year simulation using the 240km quasi-uniform grid and would like to do another run using a 240-50 km in order to evaluate how well the variable grid improves/does not improve my results. This work is part of my PhD studies and it would be great if I can show the difference between the Uniform vs Variable-resolution simulation.

Please if you have a variable resolution of 240km to any higher resolution grid please do share.

Kind regards

Molulaqhooa Linda Maoyi
PhD Student - University of Cape Town
Sorry for taking so long to reply! Unfortunately, we are not yet ready to support mesh generation to the general MPAS-Atmosphere community. However, there is a 240-48 km variable-resolution mesh that is provided as part of the on-line tutorial files that may meet your needs. If you download the tutorial input files from this page, you will find the "" file in the mpas_tutorial/meshes directory after unpacking the .tar.gz file.