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CRITICAL ERROR: Error in interpolation of st_fg to MPAS grid: num_st = 18642


Hello all, this is my second post of today. After my failed simulation using ERA-5 as the initial condition, I tried using IMDAA data provided by "NCMRWF." The single-level datasets include:
10m U-Component of Wind, 10m V-Component of Wind, 2m Temperature, Surface Temperature (skin), Mean Sea Level Pressure,Surface Pressure, 2m Relative Humidity, Soil Moisture Layer1 (0-0.1 m below ground), Soil Moisture Layer2 (0.1-0.35 m below ground), Soil Moisture Layer3 (0.35-1 m below ground),Soil Moisture Layer4 (1-3 m below ground), Soil Temperature Layer1 (0-0.1 m below ground), Soil Temperature Layer2 (0.1-0.35 m below ground), Soil Temperature Layer3 (0.35-1 m below ground), Soil Temperature Layer4 (1-3 m below ground), Land Cover (Land Sea Mask), Model Terrain Height.
The pressure Level Dataset includes:
U-Component of Wind, V-Component of Wind, Temperature, Geopotential height, Relative Humidity.

According to the procedure, the data is ungribbed properly. But when I try to create the regional initial conditions, I am getting the following error :
Beginning MPAS-init_atmosphere Error Log File for task 6 of 24
Opened at 2023/04/12 22:01:43

CRITICAL ERROR: Error in interpolation of st_fg to MPAS grid: num_st = 18642
Logging complete. Closing file at 2023/04/12 22:01:43.

I would appreciate any advice as to how I might resolve this. I am also attaching the log.init_atmosphere.0000.out, namelist.init_atmosphere and the log.init_atmosphere.0000.err.


  • log.init_atmosphere.0000.out.txt
    6.7 KB · Views: 4
  • log.init_atmosphere.0006.err.txt
    383 bytes · Views: 3
  • namelist.init_atmosphere.txt
    1.3 KB · Views: 2
  • streams.init_atmosphere.txt
    913 bytes · Views: 2
Reviving this thread. Was this issue sorted? If so, can anyone provide the solution? I am running into the same issue. I have followed the instructions to download the ERA5 data from NCAR RDA, and still see this issue.
I am sorry to get back to you late.

MPAS can only process soil data at specific levels with specific field names. If your input soil data are on levels or with names unrecognized by MPAS, then it won't work.

Please take a look at the code "mpas_init_atm_cases.F", and the lines 3908 - 4118 process soil temperature data. This might give you some idea how MPAS works.

Hope this is helpful for you.