Thank you for you replay!
(1) dcEdge and dvEdge in 96-24 km mesh :
dcEdge_max = 0.01957847 * 6371 = 124.73 km
dcEdge_min = 0.00252251 * 6371 = 16.07 km
dvEdge_max = 0.01324216 * 6371 = 84.36 km
dvEdge_min = 0.00090375 * 6371 = 5.75 km
**************************some log information at the end of the log.atmosphere.0000.out :
Begin timestep 2017-07-27_00:00:00
Read 'surface' input stream valid at 2017-07-27_00:00:00
Timing for stream input: 0.130875 s
--- time to update background surface albedo, greeness fraction.
--- time to run the LW radiation scheme L_RADLW =T
--- time to run the SW radiation scheme L_RADSW =T
--- time to run the convection scheme L_CONV =T
--- time to apply limit to accumulated rainc and rainnc L_ACRAIN =F
--- time to apply limit to accumulated radiation diags. L_ACRADT =F
--- time to calculate additional physics_diagnostics =F
split dynamics-transport integration 3
global min w: -1.53249 k=51, 17.4425 lat, 127.214 lon
global max w: 1.49144 k=35, 17.3511 lat, 127.413 lon
global min u: -114.226 k=64, -56.9643 lat, 14.1860 lon
global max u: 114.191 k=64, -56.9047 lat, 12.6422 lon
global max wsp: 125.718 k=64, -57.1040 lat, -165.239 lon
Timing for integration step: 3.82357 s
***************************** information in log.atmosphere.0109.err
Beginning MPAS-atmosphere Error Log File for task 109 of 128
Opened at 2019/05/24 14:16:19
CRITICAL ERROR: NaN detected in 'w' field.
Logging complete. Closing file at 2019/05/24 14:16:19
(3) my step of generate 96-24km mesh
a. generate EARTH-REGIONAL-MESH.msh file with jigsaw-geo-matlab-master
the h function in meshdemo.m file at demo5 as follow:
hfun =-96. * exp(-1.0*(XPOS-0.0).^2 -2.0*(YPOS-0.0).^2 ) ;
hfun(hfun < -72.0) = -72.0 ;
hfun = +96.0 + hfun ;
b. use the triangle_jigsaw_to_netcdf generate
c. use MpasMeshConverter.x in mesh_conversion_tools to generate MPAS mesh
Specifically, the meshDensity is created as follow NCL code:
pi = 3.1415926
areaCell = fout->areaCell
meshD = fout->meshDensity
dCell = areaCell/pi ; diameter
dCell_max = max(dCell)
dCell_min = min(dCell)
dCell_hhh = dCell_max - dCell_min
meshD_new = (dCell - dCell_min)/dCell_hhh
fout->meshDensity = meshD_new