I am running MPASv8.0.1 on Derecho with a 60-10km variable mesh. After submitting atmosphere_model to the queue (see run_model.pbs), the model runs through its wall-time, but only will output history and diag .nc files for the initialization date. The model doesn't crash, so I don't have error files.
Note I am using 16 nodes with 32 MPI processes each, so I include the corresponding graph partitioning file (x6.999426.graph.info.part.512). I also have set the following in namelist.atmosphere accordingly:
I am running MPASv8.0.1 on Derecho with a 60-10km variable mesh. After submitting atmosphere_model to the queue (see run_model.pbs), the model runs through its wall-time, but only will output history and diag .nc files for the initialization date. The model doesn't crash, so I don't have error files.
Note I am using 16 nodes with 32 MPI processes each, so I include the corresponding graph partitioning file (x6.999426.graph.info.part.512). I also have set the following in namelist.atmosphere accordingly:
In streams.atmosphere, I also specify the following for each output type:&io
config_pio_num_iotasks = 16
config_pio_stride = 32
Lastly, here are the modules currently used in Derecho:io_type="pnetcdf,cdf5"
Thank you for your help!Currently Loaded Modules:
1) ncarenv/23.09 (S) 3) ncarcompilers/1.0.0 5) cray-mpich/8.1.27 7) netcdf-mpi/4.9.2 9) parallelio/2.6.2
2) intel-classic/2023.2.1 4) craype/2.7.23 6) hdf5-mpi/1.12.2 8) parallel-netcdf/1.12.3