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Dynamical core subroutines & time


New member
Hi all. When I run the MPAS model I receipt a list of code parts and the time for each one.
My question is: which routines in the list are part of dynamical core?

timer_name total calls min max avg pct_tot pct_par par_eff
1 total time 5862.36328 1 5862.34961 5862.36328 5862.35059 100.00 0.00 1.00
2 initialize 57.42546 1 57.42053 57.42546 57.42296 0.98 0.98 1.00
2 time integration 5803.80469 240 21.34943 49.24709 24.18234 99.00 99.00 1.00
3 physics driver 1754.21497 240 4.24097 32.60246 6.23757 29.92 30.23 0.85
4 calc_cldfraction 0.56064 24 0.01198 0.02703 0.02019 0.01 0.03 0.86
4 RRTMG_sw 432.05396 24 0.00039 19.20417 8.21562 7.37 24.63 0.46
4 RRTMG_lw 279.87741 24 9.04608 12.22975 10.94252 4.77 15.95 0.94
4 Monin-Obukhov 2.54428 240 0.00367 0.01493 0.00849 0.04 0.15 0.80
4 Noah 7.46669 240 0.00084 0.03509 0.00888 0.13 0.43 0.29
4 YSU 166.59985 240 0.07461 0.77622 0.59829 2.84 9.50 0.86
4 GWDO_YSU 41.26340 240 0.01563 0.20603 0.13133 0.70 2.35 0.76
4 New_Tiedtke 512.33221 240 0.28116 2.34241 1.94974 8.74 29.21 0.91
3 atm_rk_integration_setup 42.92012 240 0.02037 0.22046 0.10412 0.73 0.74 0.58
3 atm_compute_moist_coefficients 19.13509 240 0.03180 0.15079 0.05562 0.33 0.33 0.70
3 physics_get_tend 203.67575 240 0.15912 13.71773 0.41072 3.47 3.51 0.48
3 atm_compute_vert_imp_coefs 30.42256 720 0.01389 0.06160 0.03906 0.52 0.52 0.92
3 atm_compute_dyn_tend 920.25598 2160 0.23114 0.72880 0.41648 15.70 15.86 0.98
3 small_step_prep 108.72767 2160 0.01511 0.06434 0.04700 1.85 1.87 0.93
3 atm_advance_acoustic_step 322.75262 2880 0.03248 0.15352 0.10935 5.51 5.56 0.98
3 atm_divergence_damping_3d 76.58250 2880 0.00687 0.05255 0.02542 1.31 1.32 0.96
3 atm_recover_large_step_variables 355.70300 2160 0.02791 0.21967 0.16259 6.07 6.13 0.99
3 atm_compute_solve_diagnostics 583.83105 2160 0.08150 0.30478 0.26447 9.96 10.06 0.98
3 atm_rk_dynamics_substep_finish 125.25838 720 0.09962 0.22935 0.17100 2.14 2.16 0.98
3 atm_advance_scalars 170.19832 480 0.32835 0.36552 0.34837 2.90 2.93 0.98
3 atm_advance_scalars_mono 474.92776 240 1.82142 2.00003 1.95129 8.10 8.18 0.99
3 microphysics 627.54376 240 0.78087 2.72508 1.37922 10.70 10.81 0.53
4 WSM6 594.52557 240 0.62006 2.58741 0.96539 10.14 94.74 0.39


The subroutines that are part of the dynamical core are found in
You can grep on "subroutine" and get a list of routines, many of which have timing output in the timing list.
The routines that begin with capital letters are usually physics routines.
The physics_get_tend timing includes more than first apparent looking at the code - it also includes some synchronization time, etc.