Hello, everyone!
I have successfully installed and run the GEN_BE on given example data set. While doing for my own required domain and time, it is giving the erro "Stage gen_be_diags failed with error 2" at stage 4.
I am attaching below the gen_be_wrapper.ksh and log files generated at all the four stages. It wuold be very kind of anyone who can help me in solving this problem. Thanks in advance !!!
I have successfully installed and run the GEN_BE on given example data set. While doing for my own required domain and time, it is giving the erro "Stage gen_be_diags failed with error 2" at stage 4.
I am attaching below the gen_be_wrapper.ksh and log files generated at all the four stages. It wuold be very kind of anyone who can help me in solving this problem. Thanks in advance !!!