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Error building WRFDA: tools/registry into an infinite loop


New member
WRF v4.5.1

Building wrfda as:
  • cd wrf
  • ./configure wrfda
  • (select compiler Intel / dmpar)
  • ./clean
  • ./compile -j 8 all_wrfvar
  • [... CRTM, ... ]

(cd /path/to/wrf; tools/registry -DEM_CORE=1 -DNMM_CORE=0 -DNMM_MAX_DIM=2600 -DDA_CORE=1 -DWRFPLUS=0 -DIWORDSIZE=4 -DDWORDSIZE=8 -DRWORDSIZE=8 -DLWORDSIZE=4 -DNONSTANDARD_SYSTEM_FUNC -DWRF_USE_CLM -DBUFR -DFFTPACK -DNORESHAPE -DDM_PARALLEL -DNETCDF -DPNETCDF -DCRTM -DHDF5 -DLANDREAD_STUB=1 -DUSE_ALLOCATABLES -Dwrfmodel -DGRIB1 -DINTIO -DKEEP_INT_AROUND -DLIMIT_ARGS -DBUILD_RRTMG_FAST=0 -DBUILD_RRTMK=0 -DBUILD_SBM_FAST=0 -DSHOW_ALL_VARS_USED=0 -DCONFIG_BUF_LEN=65536 -DMAX_DOMAINS_F=21 -DMAX_HISTORY=25 -DNMM_NEST=0 -DNEW_BDYS Registry/Registry ; cd /path/to/wrf/var/build ) [...registry files opened...] numerous warnings, e.g. Registry warning: some problem with dimstring i{stoclev}j Registry warning: some problem with dimstring i{stoclev}j Registry warning: some problem with dimstring i{stoclev}jx Registry warning: some problem with dimstring i{stoclev}jy [... then ...] WARNING: There is no 4D array named pert3d

which repeats ad infinitum, never completing the build for wrfda.