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Error in boundary condition specification


New member

I am trying to run WRF-Chem to a big part of the North Atlantic Ocean but when I run real.exe I have the error:
*** Error in boundary condition specification
boundary conditions at xs 1
boundary conditions at xe 1
boundary conditions at ys 2
boundary conditions at ye 2
boundary conditions logicals are
periodic_x F
periodic_y F
symmetric_xs F
symmetric_xe F
symmetric_ys F
symmetric_ye F
open_xs F
open_xe F
open_ys F
open_ye F
polar T
nested F
specified T
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
*** Error in boundary condition specification

I changed polar to "false" but always recommend changing to "true". Another common error is when I write polar = .true., it is required to change the projection to Cassini but I am not using polar regions.

I sent my namelist.input as attached file.


  • namelist.input
    7.9 KB · Views: 6
Have you resolved the issue? I am encountering the same problem. I am simulating the global range and have also set polar to true. How should I modify the namelist.input file? Thank you!
Have you resolved the issue? I am encountering the same problem. I am simulating the global range and have also set polar to true. How should I modify the namelist.input file? Thank you!
I am also encountering the same problem. Have you resolved your issue? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.
I am also encountering the same problem. Have you resolved your issue? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.
I’ve resolved the issue by adding the following to the namelist.input

spec_bdy_width = 5,
spec_zone = 1,
relax_zone = 4,
specified = .false.,
nested = .false.,
polar = .true.,
periodic_x = .true.,
fft_filter_lat = 45.,
This seems to have addressed the problem I was encountering.
I’ve resolved the issue by adding the following to the namelist.input

spec_bdy_width = 5,
spec_zone = 1,
relax_zone = 4,
specified = .false.,
nested = .false.,
polar = .true.,
periodic_x = .true.,
fft_filter_lat = 45.,
This seems to have addressed the problem I was encountering.
Thank you very much for your response. After modifying the namelist.input according to your suggestions, I was able to run WRF successfully
Thank you very much for your response. After modifying the namelist.input according to your suggestions, I was able to run WRF successfully
Hello, are you using WRF-Chem to simulate the global domain? Could you show me your namelist.input? My model crashes halfway through the run. Thank you!
I am pleased to respond to you. Please find the attached files for your reference only. I regret to inform you that my Domain 2 failed to simulate successfully, and the visualization of the simulation results appears unusual. If possible I hope we can work together to resolve this issue. Thank you.


  • namelist.input
    8.3 KB · Views: 4
  • namelist.wps
    919 bytes · Views: 2
  • result.png
    955.2 KB · Views: 2