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error in mozbc


New member
Dear All,
After successfully running real.exe with chem opt 112, I encountered an error while running mozbc for the initial boundary condition. The error message reads "Failed to open ./wrfinput_d01 with open_option = 1 NetCDF: HDF error." This is surprising as I successfully ran the model with the same setup and namelist a few days ago. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue?

mozbc.inp is-


do_bc = .false.
do_ic = .true.
domain = 1
dir_wrf = './'
dir_moz = '/Nairobi_camchem/'
fn_moz = ''
moz_var_suffix = ''
def_missing_var = .true.

spc_map = 'o3 -> O3', 'n2o -> N2O', 'no -> NO',
'no2 -> NO2', 'nh3 -> NH3', 'hno3 -> HNO3', 'hno4 -> HO2NO2',
'n2o5 -> N2O5', 'h2o2 -> H2O2',
'ch4 -> CH4', 'co -> CO', 'ch3ooh -> CH3OOH',
'hcho -> CH2O', 'ch3oh -> CH3OH', 'c2h4 -> C2H4',
'ald -> CH3CHO', 'acet -> CH3COCH3', 'mgly -> CH3COCHO',
'pan -> PAN', 'mpan -> MPAN', 'macr -> MACR',
'mvk -> MVK', 'c2h6 -> C2H6', 'c3h6 -> C3H6', 'c3h8 -> C3H8',
'c2h5oh -> C2H5OH', 'c10h16 -> MTERP',
'isopr -> ISOP','acetol -> HYAC', 'mek -> MEK',
'bigene -> BIGENE', 'bigalk -> BIGALK',
'cres -> CRESOL', 'dms -> DMS', 'so2 -> SO2',
'BC1 -> 1.0*bc_a4;1.e9',
'BC2 -> 1.0*bc_a1;1.e9',
'OC1 -> 1.0*pom_a4;1.e9',
'OC2 -> 1.0*pom_a1;1.e9',
'SEAS_1 -> 1.0*ncl_a1+1.0*ncl_a2;1.e9',
'SEAS_2 -> 0.5*ncl_a3;1.e9',
'SEAS_3 -> 0.5*ncl_a3;1.e9',
'SEAS_4 -> 0.0*ncl_a3;1.e9'
'DUST_1 -> 0.02*dst_a3;1.e9',
'DUST_2 -> 0.93*dst_a3;1.e9',
'DUST_3 -> 0.05*dst_a3;1.e9',
'DUST_4 -> 0.0*dst_a3;1.e9',
'DUST_5 -> 0.0*dst_a3;1.e9'

And log file shows- " in module_wrfchem_lib ...~".

Thanks and Regards,
The culprit behind this is the permission setting of your `wrfinput*` and `wrfbdy*`.
The source code opens those files assuming that write permissions are set.