I am attempting to setup CAMS-Global Anthropogenic emissions (CAMS-GLOB-ANT v5.3 obtained from ECCAD) as input for WRF-Chem using the ANTHRO utility (available at ACOM-NCAR website). A sample input emissions file for CO emissions (CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_co_v5.3_monthly_2018.nc), a namelist file (cams_anthro_emiss_glb.inp) and the wrfinput file as required for the ANTHRO utility have been provided in the following google drive folder. The emissions file contains the August 2018 dataset with time variable in units "hours since 1850-01-01 00:00:00" and the desired simulation duration is from 01-08-2018 to 15-08-2018 (1st 15 days of Aug 2018).
I am receiving the following filename increment error when executing the anthro script:
next_flnm; trying to increment file CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_co_v5.3_monthly_2018.nc
next_flnm; il, iu = 50 53
next_flnm; file_number = 2018
next_flnm; new file = CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_co_v5.3_monthly_2017.nc
data_file_timing_init : Failed to open /beegfs/cair/kk21acq/input_data/EMISSIONS/ANTHRO/CAMS_GLOB_ANT/nc3_files/CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_co_v5.3_monthly_2017.nc
No such file or directory
(complete log file is attached in the folder with the name cams_anthro_emiss_glb.out)
For some reason, the script is looking for a new file ending with 2017. I would like to know if I need to change the time format of the input emissions? If yes, what commands might I use for that? If not what could be the fix for this error.
Any insights on use of ANTHRO utility for CAMS emissions and on preparation of CAMS emissions for input to WRF-Chem will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I am attempting to setup CAMS-Global Anthropogenic emissions (CAMS-GLOB-ANT v5.3 obtained from ECCAD) as input for WRF-Chem using the ANTHRO utility (available at ACOM-NCAR website). A sample input emissions file for CO emissions (CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_co_v5.3_monthly_2018.nc), a namelist file (cams_anthro_emiss_glb.inp) and the wrfinput file as required for the ANTHRO utility have been provided in the following google drive folder. The emissions file contains the August 2018 dataset with time variable in units "hours since 1850-01-01 00:00:00" and the desired simulation duration is from 01-08-2018 to 15-08-2018 (1st 15 days of Aug 2018).
I am receiving the following filename increment error when executing the anthro script:
next_flnm; trying to increment file CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_co_v5.3_monthly_2018.nc
next_flnm; il, iu = 50 53
next_flnm; file_number = 2018
next_flnm; new file = CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_co_v5.3_monthly_2017.nc
data_file_timing_init : Failed to open /beegfs/cair/kk21acq/input_data/EMISSIONS/ANTHRO/CAMS_GLOB_ANT/nc3_files/CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_co_v5.3_monthly_2017.nc
No such file or directory
(complete log file is attached in the folder with the name cams_anthro_emiss_glb.out)
For some reason, the script is looking for a new file ending with 2017. I would like to know if I need to change the time format of the input emissions? If yes, what commands might I use for that? If not what could be the fix for this error.
Any insights on use of ANTHRO utility for CAMS emissions and on preparation of CAMS emissions for input to WRF-Chem will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you