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error opening wrf_chem_input_d01

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Dear all,

I first run real.exe with chem_opt=0 to create wrf_input and wrf_bdy.
Then, I process the emissions (bio: MEGAN, fire: FINN, anthro: anthro_emis for NEI2014)
Next, I try to run real.exe again with chem_opt=112 and run mozbc after wrf_input and wrf_bdy are created again.
However, I got the error message when running real.exe: error opening wrf_chem_input_d01
I do not add "auxinput12_inname = 'wrf_chem_input', & io_form_auxinput12 = 2," in the namelist.
So, I'm wondering what causes this error. (namelist.input and rsl.error are attached)
Any help will be greatly appreciated!



  • namelist.input
    7.7 KB · Views: 113
  • rsl_error0000.txt
    1.8 KB · Views: 98
The above answer should fix this issue. When chem_in_opt=1 the model looks for initial chemistry boundary conditions, but if you haven't generated them yourself it won't be able to find it. So the solution is simply to change chem_in_opt to 0 or provide a "wrf_chem_input" file.
FrieCookies said:
The above answer should fix this issue. When chem_in_opt=1 the model looks for initial chemistry boundary conditions, but if you haven't generated them yourself it won't be able to find it. So the solution is simply to change chem_in_opt to 0 or provide a "wrf_chem_input" file.

But should we use chem_in_opt=1 if we use the initial conditions from wrfinput produced by mozbc?
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that you should have chem_in_opt=0 when real.exe is ran, then add the wrfinput files from mozbc and change chem_in_opt to 1. This would prevent real.exe from looking for chemical input files but wrf.exe would still use them.

I found this slide shows that says mozbc should be used between real.exe and wrf.exe:
neel14 said:
FrieCookies said:
The above answer should fix this issue. When chem_in_opt=1 the model looks for initial chemistry boundary conditions, but if you haven't generated them yourself it won't be able to find it. So the solution is simply to change chem_in_opt to 0 or provide a "wrf_chem_input" file.

But should we use chem_in_opt=1 if we use the initial conditions from wrfinput produced by mozbc?

My above answer is incorrect. I just tested this, and mozbc operates on the wrfinput file itself so there's no need to change the chem_in_opt. I think chem_in_opt would only be used if you have a wrf output file that you want to use as initial boundary conditions.